Duis ultrices porta est eget efficitur. Praesent nec massa sem.

- 5/19/2017

Duis ultrices porta est eget efficitur. Praesent nec massa sem. Quisque ac nisl justo. Sed enim felis, posuere eget nunc ut, malesuada mattis risus. Nunc tincidunt porttitor felis a facilisis. Cras tempus diam viverra, placerat nisl sit amet, rhoncus turpis. Nulla facilisi. Fusce scelerisque suscipit mi quis ullamcorper. Phasellus velit risus, posuere non aliquam ut, mollis quis tortor. Sed sit amet porta nisi. Maecenas interdum sed velit sagittis mollis. Vivamus sed nulla tellus. Maecenas euismod facilisis ultricies. Curabitur tincidunt imperdiet tortor ullamcorper molestie. Nunc euismod tortor in eros elementum cursus. Nunc posuere, tellus at dictum tincidunt, erat libero scelerisque orci, ultricies eleifend nunc magna hendrerit augue.

Post News

Important Info for Post1956 Members

National Day of Service

National Day of Service

The PACT Act

The PACT Act is a new law that expands VA health care and benefits for Veterans exposed to burn pits and other toxic substances.

District News

Important Info for District 3 Members

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This is the title article

This is the lead summary.

National News

Important info from National VFW

VFW Celebrates Armed Forces Day

WASHINGTON - May 18 is Armed Forces Day, and the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) joins a grateful nation in paying tribute to the s...

VFW Expresses Concern Over Erroneous VA Bonuses

WASHINGTON - In light of the recent Department of Veterans Affairs Office of the Inspector General report of funding improperly pa...



Commander's Corner

Commander Michael Cano



Veterans of Foreign Wars            Menifee VFW Post 1956   P.O. Box 321 Menifee, CA 92586

EIN: 95-3319357- 501(c) (19) Veteran Non-Profit: C2326557


December 1, 2023

 Greetings Comrades:

The holidays have arrived and would like to wish you all the best the Holiday Season has to offer. Many of our post members participated in various VFW Programs and Post events in the fourth quarter 2023. If you are one of them, I extend a great thank you for your relentless volunteer service you provided to carry out the VFW mission to our members, other veterans, our youth, and the community.

 Various Post administrative changes occurred this year and made our leadership more transparent with our officer responsibilities. We established a new webmaster to update our Post website and participated in various VFW Programs and events.

 Fourth Quarter Post Activities:

 1) We joined forces with our Post Auxiliary in September & October 2023, to distributed and collect VFW Program applications from local schools and First Responders.

 2) November 4, 2023, attended Amber Waves of Grain and recruited two members

 3) On November 4 & 5, join the Boys Scouts of America with Buddy Poppy drives

 4) November 11, 2023, partnered with the city of Menifee with Veterans Day and honored five Korean Veterans with the Korean Peace Medal.

 5) November 11, 2023, delivered the second most successful Annual Veterans Ball

 6) November 18, 2023, distributed 200 Thanksgiving turkeys to various veterans.

 As you can see, we had a gracious 4th quarter. But going forward, I request your undivided attention to be involved by attending our general meetings to make your membership vote count. We meet 2nd  Saturday of each month, 10:00 a.m., at Mt. San Jacinto College, (MSJC), Building 900, Room 927; 28237 La Piedra Rd. Menifee, CA 92584.